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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] position sensor & display

Hi Jon,
The white body of the potentiometer looks to be acrylic but I couldn't find
any information on this. I glued the acrylic cover to the front side with acryfix 192, an Evonik product.
I won't be testing this until it's on my boat. However I'm confidant it will work just as well at depth.
Yes I noticed the schematic was hard to read. If it's saved & printed it comes out clear, however
I'll fire a copy to you to put in PDF. Thanks for that.
It all took such a long time because I decided I needed to learn electronics to accomplish what I wanted.
& after several books & online searches came to the conclusion that to "up skill" to the point I wanted to be at,
I would be putting my submarine behind by a year. (at least) The local electronics guy I found that had worked on subs
was currently working on underwater lighting & diver communications gear. So he's a real God send.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 12:45 AM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] position sensor & display

Nice job Alan!  What did you use to seal the acrylic to the potentiometer?  What is the back of the potentiometer (white part) made of?  Great to see this project finally come to life.

The schematic came out too small to read when it was resized.  If you can send me the photo I'll convert it to PDF so it can be downloaded in a readable format.


On 8/18/2010 12:33 AM, Alan James wrote:
Hi all,
Have just up loaded some pictures of my position sensor & display.
This unit differs slightly from the LED circuit that Jens made up & posted a video of,
in that it has a trim pot that can be adjusted to display any range of movement up to
the full 360 degrees. This was made up for me by a guy who has worked on nuclear subs in the UK.
He even printed out the circuit board for me. There is a schematic if anyone is interested in making
them up. The magnetic potentiometers came from digikey.
Regards Alan