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Today, I am announcing the formation of the International Submersible Database (ISDB) and the availability of SUBDB (www.subdb.info) a database of non-military submersibles and new web site associated with PSUBS. SUBDB was inspired by the efforts of Dan Hryhorcoff over two years ago, who collected information about various subs owned by psubbers. At the 2008 Convention in Maine, I presented the idea of expanding that collection into a formal database which would not only serve as a current and historical reference for submersibles but also as a central repository of detailed information that could be accessed via the internet and used to aide the rescue or recovery submersibles that might find themselves in an emergency situation. This was well received and so development began on a part time basis.

While much work remains to be done on the software and web site interface, enough has been completed to make it available for immediate use. Please note that some functionality such as database searching is not yet implemented.

Four major goals of SUBDB have been defined and are available for review on the website at http://www.subdb.info/aboutus along with a mission statement and contact information. The main page at http://www.subdb.info contains links to an overview of the site as it currently exists and enough documentation to provide a basic understanding of various graphics, icons, and symbols that are used on the web site. Please note that the web site has implemented extensive use of javascript and pop-ups which means you may need to enable javascript and disable pop-up blockers in your browser to navigate the site. However, I assure you these are ALL entirely for purposes of SUBDB and you will not be subject to advertising or redirects to non-database related web sites.

The Database - http://www.subdb.info/database
SUBDB is targeted to any non-military submersible, manned, unmanned, ROV or AUV. The vessel can be used for personal, commercial, research, government (again non-military), or passenger carrying purposes. I have incorporated into the database as many submersibles from DanH's list, the PSUBS projects web pages, and other sources as I felt I could reasonably do with the information available to me. One of the restrictions for database entries will be that enough information exists about a particular submersible to make it worthwhile submitting into the database. In some cases, the existing information I had at the time did not fit that qualification and so the submersible was left out. So in other words, submitting a photo of a sub with the only information being "A friend of a friend of a friend knows a guy with a girlfriend who has a brother that owns this sub. I think his name is Fred" simply is not going to be enough to get that submersible listed in the database. The minimum requirements for submersible entries will be the information contained within a "basic" listing (see documentation on web site). A photo is not required, but would be nice to have.

SUBDB is not intended to be a free service. We have an interest in collecting submersible entries from a wide variety of sources and will do so resulting in a "basic listing" without charge. However, submersible owners must be ISDB members in order to submit detailed information and photos of their vessels and to edit/modify segments of their submersible entries. The difference will become more clear if you view both a basic and detailed listing from the web site (see documentation at http://www.subdb.info). PSUBS members will receive access to SUBDB as a benefit of their membership and therefore will not incur any additional charges for maintaining their SUBDB entries. Non-PSUBS members will be charged an annual fee if they want their submersible listing changed from basic to detailed. I hope this model of revenue generation will suffice to cover any expenses until another model can be investigated (more on that later). In either case, if membership is not kept current that owners submersible listings will revert back to a basic listing automatically.

SUBDB Management
SUBDB is currently owned and operated solely by PSUBS LLC. From a management perspective, my hope is that SUBDB will fit the needs of numerous industry organizations and become a unified database supported by a consortium of the submersible industry and governed by a Board of Directors comprised of representatives from that consortium. This seems to make more sense than every entity creating and maintaining its own database of specific material, including PSUBS. There may also be good reasons for not taking this approach as well, so I would be interested in hearing your thoughts off-line if you have an opinion.

SUBDB Future Functionality
The functionality of SUBDB today represents about only half of what I expect SUBDB to support with 12-18 months. Submersible operations is an area that I think we need to expand into heavily, and I see SUBDB offering that opportunity. I already have prototypes created for expanded SUBDB functionality related to submersible operations but actual implementation will take many months since the software development is only a part-time evening project for me.

Please feel free to explore SUBDB and comment on it. If you know of a submersible that should be added to the database, please fill out the form at http://www.subdb.info/support and let us know about it. Submersibles under construction, operational, in a museum, or just sitting in the yard as a lawn ornament all qualify.

If you are a PSUBS member with a submersible listed in the database and you want to expand it to a detailed listing, simply send me email off list and I'll get it set up for you. The same is true for any PSUBS member with a submersible not listed in the database. If you don't find your submersible listed in SUBDB, submit it for consideration at http://www.subdb.info/support


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