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[PSUBS-MAILIST] group build

To all:
   With Brian having contacted me just now, I feel the need to ask...
   If anyone else has already taken the plunge in building or acquiring a broadband system and needs hydrophones or voice transmitters get with me within say a week and we as a group of builders will attempt to save money by ordering larger quantities of building supplies.
   In this same breath...
  Anyone who is but thinking of taking this plunge but has not as of yet acted, It is recommended that we refrane from further constructions of this type of communications system until its full capabilities is known. It may not work as well as desired in salt water as is has has in fresh, then again it may work more than hoped we just do not know as of yet.
  We have enough individuals committed in constructing these devices to gain a better understanding of how well these will perform by having several present during this coming convention in July. Let us wait and see before more dive in that have yet to commit.
                                                                                                                                               David Bartsch

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