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[PSUBS-MAILIST] RE: [ OFFLIST ] hydrophone text issued for comments

   When this passive sonar research was in its infancy, Jon and I discussed many things about it and where we should go with its research and development.
   In conclusion, He summed it up best in that once I had reached a point that true interest was instilled in many of the other more learned club members, they would be passed the torch and carry on the research where we alone could not go...
   Please post your papers on the site. Much of the math is over my head, but I will try hard to understand all this. It is a great work of research.
   Here's the torch...don't drop it.
                                                                                         David Bartsch
> Date: Thu, 7 Jan 2010 03:31:28 +0100
> Subject: [ OFFLIST ] hydrophone text issued for comments
> From: laland@artematrix.org
> To: dbartsch2236@hotmail.com
> David
> I finished the said transcription yesterday, and it is now available for
> your comments, ref:
> http://traktoria.org/SONAR/transducer-calibration/transducer-calibration.htm
> It would actually be very OK if you (being the senior on these matters)
> made the decision when, or if, this should be published on the psubs
> mailing list.
> Besides, do feel free to do this yourself.
> Best regards,
> Jens Laland

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