And if your test is in fresh water, sprinkle some pounds of
salt around the cabin to ensure conductivity.
I'm putting in a couple of solenoid valves on my
ballast tanks in addition to normal manually adjusted valves.
I could just lay wiring to my solenoid valves on
the sub floor with a small gap between wires so any water pooling
would form a contact & send the sub
Thanks for the idea.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2009 9:49
Subject: RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] my old sub
getting new parts
Give me a call when the time for your depth test arrives,
because I have something sitting here on a shelf that might come in handy.
It's a "depth test auto-pilot" that will blow ballast on the first of two
conditions to occur: either a dive timer going off, or water being
detected in the cabin. A friend built it for Snoopy's
depth test. What worries me about a depth test is a slow leak more
than an implosion. I'd hate to leave the sub down for an hour only to discover
it had become too heavy to pull back up. BTW it's builder spent 12 years on
Navy subs and was the last engineering officer of the Nautilus, so I
figure it should work! However, it comes with the
caveat that I haven't had an opportunity to use it yet myself. I
suggest doing a "depth test" in negligible depth first to test it
We can just UPS this thing around to anyone planning a
depth test. It isn't large.
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Hi Les,
Yes I plan an unmanned test in Michigan or Superior. No details yet as I
need to get sub done first.
Best Regards,
Jim K
On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 12:15 AM, marki katschor <>
Hi Jim,good to hear from you
too. Every time I get a day off work I run to the shop-2 days a week.
not a lot of time for sub work. I will be
glad to get the welding and grinding done. Still loving
it though. i wish the shop stayed open past 3;30 pm. Man your sub is
you be doing the unman test in lake mich., with divers? boats? Gary
got himself a Big boat. I'm tradeing tree work for 15'
speed Boat this winter. Les
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, December 01, 2009 5:50
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] my old
sub getting new parts
Hi Les,
Good to hear from you again. I'm not making as much progress as we
are still quite busy with my work. I have however moved the sub into the
shop and have completed final of one through hull ( the actuator to vent
the two soft tanks) Unfortunately this is the only work completed since
last Spring. I have ordered my main inlet valve and will be assembling it
to the main manifold next.
Best Regards,
Jim K
On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 8:18 PM, marki katschor
<> wrote:
Hay Frank, entrance way
has a round balked,, a half round wall from floor to ceiling at the
hatch . Les
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, November 29, 2009
5:16 PM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] my
old sub getting new parts
entrance way has a round
that goes from deck to overhead,
are you going to have somthing like
Hi Les. Good to hear from you. Finally got a chance to look at
your new pics. I really like the water heater tanks you added. That
should give you a real stable boat on the surface. It's nice to have a
little deck space. Lookin real good.
I don't know what a "round balked" is.
Anyway, I've got the sub dis-assembled as I'm still welding the
ballast tanks, but I hope to get some new pics up soon.
I think I have a solution to the window problem but probably
won't make the changes till after next year's convention.
I'm working on a combination drop weight/roller plate that
will allow me to move the sub around and get some better pictures. The
skinny slot where I'm building it next to the shop is too narrow to
turn it or get far enough away to get a good shot.
Your old sub is looking good. Nice advertising for his business
Say hi to Marki and have a good holiday. Hope to see you both
soon. Frank