Frank, Here's a picture I found that shows what a threaded email list looks like. I attached it to the email. When an email is replied to, the mail program puts it directly below and indents it one space to the right, regardless of the date that it was sent. This makes it real easy to follow a conversation that is taking place over a long period of time, because if you didn't have threading, the replies to the conversation you are trying to follow would be mixed in with hundreds of other emails. Alex On 30-Oct-2009 wrote:I > > In a message dated 10/30/2009 9:34:07 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, > writes: > > If you use "send" (new) or "compose new" and then type in the subject > yourself > > > Hi Alex. Thanks for the explanation on MUA. > Currently with the basic AOL ( what a piece of shit AOL is ) I just hit the > reply button. Often I highlight a small piece of the e-mail I'm referring > to so the guys know what I'm talking about. I right click the sentence, > make it go "blue" then hit Copy. > Then I hit "reply" and the new page comes up with the highlighted sentence > and who sent the sentence. > Then I can just write the reply like any regular e-mail message and hit > "send now" > As I look at the other addresses, I see I'm one of the few dinosaurs that > still use AOL. > Well, this computer is 8 years old and completely filled with stuff. Time > for a new one I guess. > On another note, I live in Calif. so get up later than most of the other US > based guys. That and I'm retired so very early computer time don't happen > too often. That's why my posts are often late in the discussion. > Frank D. -- Mailed with XFmail on 30-Oct-2009. God saved Noah, but Noah had to build an ark!
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