Nice to hear from you as well. No, I shelved the sub in to return to my aviation roots some time ago. In fact, I am on the eve of finally setting up the shop in the coming weeks to get started. The only reason for the above, was the logistical realities of my workspace / location from now until retirement in 11 years. I simply am having trouble even getting to visit my assembly site / second home. Water clarity in Florida is dependent on wind conditions and ground water runoff. I remember a time when most inlets to the ocean on the east coast were champagne clear, those days are now few and far between. Jay is in a better position to answer ref: the springs. I will attend if family obligations allow.
Joe From: empiricus@telus.net To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Fla. Visibility [was: Continuing saga of homebrewed Chinese sub] Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2009 23:56:02 -0700 Joe - haven't seen you in a while. Still working on your sub concepts? Any models?
BTW, I assume you're coming to the Fla. meet next year. Any good, really clear places to operate PSUBS? I do know that the Fla. springs are supposed to be something else. Salt water would be preferable but I'm a vis freak. Jay seemed to have a good handle on things when he was discussing next year's meet.
Jay? Good vis? Wrecks would be fantastic, if you can arrange one :-) Let's see: great vis, safe launching facilities, no current, a safe wreck, a hotel nearby, easy transportation distance, great food, no hurricanes.
No problem.