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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Tao xiangli's submarine

Hi people,
Thanks for the encouragemaent re contacting Tao.
Below is part of another email I sent to Tao & his interpreters reply.
There are 2,400 articles on him on the net & more media attention to come,
so I guess he's feeling the pressure to perform.
I think some advice has been timely, as stated below he doesn't really know
what depth it will go down to.
Hi Christina,
I sent you an email yesterday, but am not sure wether it made it as the computer
was prompting me to install Chinese characters, wich I couldn't do.
I have added yesterdays email to the bottom of this one.
I would also like to advise Tao to not go over deep water as if one of his barrels colapses
he will become negatively bouyant & start to descend, possibly out of control. This could lead to more colapsing
& ultimately ending up on the lake bottom.
Does he have a valve (tap) for letting in water so he can equalize the pressure in his hull with the water pressure outside
to enable him to open the hatch & escape if he is trapped on the lake bed.?
If he has any questions I will put them to the group.
All the best Tao, & thanks Christina I will appreciate seeing the next lot of pictures & video.
Dear Alan,
I saw your email, and told him that how dangerous it is, this is why he is in a lake which is not deep. And He has no idea of real statistics of how much pressure the submarine will take when in deep water.
We will have his story out today, and I'm woring on with the multimedia story now.
He bought eveverything from second-hand market. There's no guarantee of the quality. I know all of you are very proffesional submariner, can not compare at all, thank you very much for your advices!! I've told him what you wrote me, and he will test it no only on the edge of the lake.
I do will send you the story of him.
Best Regards, Christina.
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Christina Hu
Assistant to Chief Photographer / China

Thomson Reuters