That's very interesting David, You got hit by the hand of God! That's what the whalers used to call the fluke of the whale, when it came up and smashed there little follow boats to bits some times. Cheers, Szybowski From: To: Subject: RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] SUB adventures Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2009 05:40:50 -0400 Most people have hit some form of wild life while driving be it a deer. possum or the like...I hit a whale! While a planesman aboard my ship in '84, we appeared to have crept up on the back of a group of sperm whales and the back fluke of a rather large specimen came down and smacked our torpedoe room. It then turned around and saw this really big black object behind it and it screamed for the longest time masking all our sonar gear. David Bartsch > Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 17:44:29 +0200 > From: > To: > Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] SUB adventures > > Hello everyone. Most of the topics here on the maillist are technical > ones, and stories about dives are not very common. > But I think that every psub owner has alot of stories to tell, about > dives, interesting events while underwater etc. > Please share it whith us, I think it would be great push up for those > who are building their own units and a great reading for all. > > cheers > > > > > ************************************************************************ > ************************************************************************ > ************************************************************************ > The personal submersibles mailing list complies with the US Federal > CAN-SPAM Act of 2003. Your email address appears in our database > because either you, or someone you know, requested you receive messages > from our organization. > > If you want to be removed from this mailing list simply click on the > link below or send a blank email message to: > > > Removal of your email address from this mailing list occurs by an > automated process and should be complete within five minutes of > our server receiving your request. > > PSUBS.ORG > PO Box 53 > Weare, NH 03281 > 603-529-1100 > ************************************************************************ > ************************************************************************ > ************************************************************************ > Windows Live: Keep your friends up to date with what you do online. Find out more. |