Hi Glenn I can take the rugby flack,
For those who are wondering he was refering to the pre game war dance the
national rugby team do.
I used to regularly fish round taupo. Now into the sea
You could even enclose the lift bag in a plastic bag & burst it out
with the air presssure. I'm seriously
considering this as I'm building small & hence would have less bouyancy
than most to break free.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 12:19
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Buoy
Hi Alan
I never knew new Zealanders could play rugby I always thought they
suffered from wide eyed syndrome and were very thirsty with there tongues
sticking out and very scared with there hands shaking in surrender in the
air.But I do believe the aussies can play.Just Joking. I think if one was to
take a lift bag which by the way are easy to make and used 3m velcro to keep
it flat against the rear upper hull connected by a D shackle to the rear
lifting eye the only control mechanism being a air valve the bag should
be of bright color .We tow heavy items around at slow speeds on the surface
with lift bags .Just think if you were to get stuck in a gill net ect the bag
could lift the net to the surface or even if one would want to lift something
heavy to the surface if you had a manipulator that could hold onto the the
item and then use the bag to surface where a standby diver could possibly
attach the item to something else.
All The Best
By the way I visited your country twice for the yearly Trout run at Taupo
I must admit its the most beautiful country I have ever seen.
Glen SA
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2009 11:59
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Buoy
Some good ideas Glen,
I like the magnetic release, you could experiment a bit with it
without putting holes in your hull.
A bag of 1 cubic metre dimentions should fold up pretty small. My
tanks are going on the outside &
in that case maybe T off to a solenoid valve
to operate it & only wires will penetrate the
Are you a rugby fan? You're on a roll at the moment.
Alan NZ
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 7:43
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Buoy
Hi Frank D
How about as a release mechanism using a super magnet inside the hull
thus eliminating the need for an extra through hull a normal fishing yo yo
spool with 160 lb line with an thin elastic band trip an epirb that
switches it self on as it exits its holder and which is connected to a
buoy with a small strobe and on the buoy is clearly written that it
is attached to a psub in distress the thought of getting stuck in
soft silt or mud and because of this not been able to drop your
weights has crossed my mind on the other hand why not take a 1ton lift bag
vacuum fold it in a bag attached to the outside of your hull to one of
your lifting eyes with a d shackle a flexible air pipe from the inside of
the bag via a through hull to your air source inside the hull in other
words save yourself.
all the best
Glen SA
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, August 08, 2009
8:57 PM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Buoy
I've been thinking of that buoy release Dean mentioned, and I like
it. He proposed a simple turned down wooden closet rod, with fishing
line wrapped around it's turned down middle section, and sealed up so it
doesn't get water logged.
My thought is to use something like that, and have it encased in a
two inch pipe sticking into the hull near the sub's top with a
welded bottom cap. The pipe ( of course ) will be connected to a ball
valve and to release the buoy, just open the ball valve and the buoy
will float up, unspooling the fishing line as it ascends. With a 2
inch pipe/valve there is enough space to make a buoy a little more
sophisticated than just a closet rod. I was thinking along the lines of
a buoy with a light on top, and maybe an antenna and signal device built
in, about the size of a flashlight. The device can be turned on at the
beginning of each dive and stowed in it's release tube.
Like the dive lights in my dive planes, the batteries will be
simple "D" cells giving me easy access and cheap replacement, and no
thru-hulls or wiring to deal with. Just put fresh "D" cells in there
when I dive and turn them on when launching. If I will be going up and
down all day, It's real easy to just pull the dive lights out of the
dive plane "wings", pop in new batteries, and stuff the dive lights back
into the wings. Same with the buoy. I would expect the batteries in the
buoy to last several days, with just a low power LED for a beacon, and
an intermittent signal sending unit. The fishing line cable will need to
be pretty small, but is not used for leading a grapple hook down so only
has to hold on to the buoy and could be 1000 feet long with room to
spare. Plus, It's cheap and easy to replace the line during regular
maintenance. Now, I won't be able to reel it in from inside the sub, but
I don't see that as being very necessary, as a buoy release only happens
when you're in serious trouble. Got any thoughts on this ? Frank
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