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Hello Alan
You can see faboluous things at great depth so it is dificult to say what is what you want to see.  As Aabiologist I can say even at greater dephts you will see incredible things, at 100 m (300 Ft) the ligth is limited so here is the begining of the dark zone, below 50 m (150 ft) is the twiligth zone and only very few things we know about that. In deeper waters sometimes you find incredible Bacterial matts in some lakes the reproductive grounds of some fishes are below 30 m and their mating behaviour is really incredible.
Best wishes

--- Alan Clifford <Alan@nortruck.com> schrieb am Mo, 11.5.2009:
Von: Alan Clifford <Alan@nortruck.com>
Betreff: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Depth
An: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Datum: Montag, 11. Mai 2009, 16:04

My dry, one atmosphere, two person submarine will be diving in fresh water only.  The water will be quite cold.


I get the impression that most of the interesting sights are within 150’ of the surface.  Is that correct?


However, I also get the impression that a submarine with an operating depth of 300’ is only a bit more expensive than one with an operating depth of 150’.  Is that true and, if so, how much?


The Kittredge subs were designed for 250’ and 350’.  Was there some significance to those numbers?


Thanks for the help to-date

