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The safety factor of "one third" is pretty standard I've heard. My sub will never be in water deeper than 600 feet, with expected operating depth at 150 feet. I plan on testing it unmanned to 500 feet.
Now, I may push the 150 foot limit from time to time, so I made the windows according to the handbook at 900 feet. ( approx.)
I think the windows are the weakest point, with the largest at 20 inch ( 24 inch disk) X 3 inch thick.
I wanted to be safe to 300 feet without worry, even though I won't be going there. It's DARK at 300 feet!
If I had it to do over again, I would have used 1/2 inch steel instead of 3/8, because the price isn't much more, the work is the same, and now I need to carry a huge chunk of lead to sink.
Cousteau's sub was 3/4 inch or 19 mm and was good to 1000 feet. It made lots of dives, and cost a bundle!
My point here is, a little more steel in the beginning is cheap compared to placing limits on where you can go. Frank D.