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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Guillermo Sureda-Burgos Designs Coming to Life

It looks like some one has made a couple of test model prototypes of the XS100 Duo Beta Personal Submersible.



"As of now there are three concept vehicles; XS100 Trio Alpha, XS100 Duo Beta, and the XS100 Duo Delta. Trio Alpha was the first and although it’s center of flotation, buoyancy, and pressure vessels etc. were all calculated correctly as required to get close to ABS (America Bureau of Shipping) requirements, it was a “rushed” design, and lacks a serious structure, realistic bulkheads, or other finishing details that were included on the Duo Beta.
On Beta’s model even the bolts and the fiberglass resin were taken into account. This is very important in this particular type of submarine, as it dives dynamically, developing negative lift with forward movement. There are no ballast or trim tanks, this simplifies operation dramatically and ensures some safety in the form of an always present positive buoyancy; but requires very careful attention to weight distribution during design.

These machines are designed to operate with exactly the same dry/wet weight on every dive. Included on the spreadsheet is a fixed per passenger weight of 250lbs (97.5 percentile male, and great incentive to loose weight!) plus 20lbs for additional equipment/water/ etc.. To compensating for different passenger & equipment loading, when boarding the sub, each person must be weighted with any extra objects carried; the combined weight must not exceed the 270lbs, if it is less, lead ballast is added to the PVHO (Pressure Vessel for Human Occupancy) until the design weight is reached."


Guillermo's main web site.



