Hey SMMOMS, I had some fun and some misery removing these original side thrusters. I never did get the starboard thruster off, before I had to leave home. I plan to remove the welded in steel thru hulls and replace them with SS ones of a different configuration, likely like the way Dan H. configured his on Persistence. Here are a couple pictures of the exterior parts. They had a O-ring wedged in the exterior parts. http://cid-5085d10eb6afe47c.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/Side%20Thrusters%20Removal Here are some pictures of the interior parts coming apart. I had some trouble with my old camera focusing on the close up electrical thru hulls. http://cid-5085d10eb6afe47c.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/Side%20Thrusters%20Removal/Interior%20Thruster%20Parts Frank I was not able to find the close up pictures I thought I had of the packing seals used in the rotary thru hull for the Claw. So I'll have to shoot some at a later date. Regards, Szybowski |