Hi Ian. Good to hear from you. Yes, with two scuba tanks inside( 80 cu.ft.
each), and one outside (100 cu.ft.) I have enough air to blow the tanks dry 4
times while near the surface, but maybe only once while submerged. Of course, if
I blow them while submerged the air expands as I ascend, and so just a small
bubble will expand to fill the tanks as I near the surface.
I will have two additional scuba tanks ( 40
cu. ft. each) with regulators attached for emergency escape or reserve air. I
chose the 40's because they are thin enough to exit the sub while they're
strapped on, and should provide plenty of air for breathing while flooding and
exiting the sub.(Hope THAT never happens!)
I don't know what ABS recommends, but a
capacity of 6 blows at depth would require a LOT of air. I wonder if the
recommendation is for the hard trim tanks. That wouldn't be much.
I have an area on the outside that with a little modification I could
easily attach another tank or two.
My soft ballast tanks are a little larger than the
average K boat, so I can get the hatch up high enough when surfaced. I
calculated about 20-23 inches above water at the hatch.
I may add ( in the future) a short plexi tower
between the hatch and the ring for extra height and improved visibility. I think
Brent has a ring he got from George Kittredge, and Greg Cottrell said he tried a
thin mock-up piece in his pool and really liked it.
I'd enjoy a visit anytime, so if you can, just
call me and I'll be sure to be home. We can make a day of it and have lunch in
Santa Cruz. Give me a call. Frank D. |