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RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Death Traps: Was: Oil drum submarine

Thanks to all who responded on my project.  I am glad to know my lungs will be exploding soon :)  Thanks For the link to Pat's Jet pump setup.  I had not seen that update.  Very cool. What a great idea for a compact surface propulsion system. Safe for support divers too.  Now if it could be done with a diesel solution, or AIP... :)

To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Death Traps: Was: Oil drum submarine
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2008 00:25:10 -0400
From: djackson99@aol.com

While we are critiquing sub designs in order to save poor stupid Chinamen. Lets add a couple of other dumb ass designs to the list.

How about that submarine built from wood, canvas and tar pitch that uses drug store soda fountain canisters for air tanks.  I guess were too late to talk him out of that foolishness.  Perhapses we can purge Mr Lake from history.

How about the sub with the armature welding that has no thrusters. Diving by just altering the ballast? What a nut case. He's bound to get hung up in a net and die.  Someone should have set that kid on the right course.  That goodness CBUG is now only a tourist attraction.

And that Junkyard Wars episode where they build working subs in just two days.  What were they thinking. Lucky nobody was killed there for sure.  Damn the BBC for making this look like child's play.

Don't get me started on Pat Regan and his death trap. How can you expect to egress a hatch like that. He doesn't even have an escape simulator.

Oh! And build a sub out of a jet ski?  Please, its obvious he does not know the first thing about buoyancy control and will end up surfacing so fast his lungs will explode. He should go back to lurking with all of the others, until he has a really good idea that truly deserves our attention.

Hey, remember that kid that wanted to make a sailboat that could submerge. What a hoot! We sure got ride of him quick.  Thinking like that is toxic you know.

And how about BIG.  Can't even open the hatch from the inside.  Even sort of shaped like a coffin.  But Pierre is Canadian so it's what can you expect from a developing country.

Come on folks. All submarines are not Alvin. If that was the standard then every PSUB I've seen is a death trap. Some subs a step above swimming pool toys and just about as dangerous. Because they don't look like a K-boat or have a carbon dioxide sensor does not make them death traps. And blasting some guy out of the water like that sure as hell does not encourage the lurkers to come out of their holes. Put your pompous self inflated importance on the shelf. See what ideas are out there; and let the next Karl Stanley or Simon Lake step forward.

Anyway; I bet anyone that breathing the air in Beijing will kill the Oil Drum guy, not his submarine.

Doug Death Trap Jackson

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