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[PSUBS-MAILIST] passive hydrophone array tests

To all:
   To those of you waiting for the results of the in-water testing of the passive sonar hydrophone array, I am afraid a longer wait is before us...I have shipped all related materials for the passive sonar hydrophone projects on to Jon so that an informed presentation for this years convention could take place. This ment the surrendering of the preamplifier/amplifier console used to monitor the passive sonar array resulting signals.
   I felt it best to ship this on now and allow him time to familiarize himself with the supplied equiptments, rather than forcing him to cram study in the hopes of producing an informed presentation.
   I have aquired a boat of my own and as soon as a replacement amplifier console can be produced, I will move on with these accuracy results for those owners of larger psubs. It has been determined that "K" boats keep the operators so busy that requiring further tasking would be a bit much to ask.
   Enjoy the sonar presentation!
                                                                                        David Bartsch

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