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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Frank's pics

Hi Jim. Good talking to you today. That may be a good alternative. I'm not sure I want it that heavy though. I like to keep things just heavy enough so I can pick them up. Like my garbage cans..... If I can't move it alone I get pissed that somebody ( nameless ) filled it up so high I can't get it in the truck. Then I'm unloading the damn thing into a couple of bags so I can handle it.
I love ( nameless) but jeez louise!!! a little common sense would be good.
I've got some two inch bar stock and considered using that earlier on, but there ya go....too heavy to handle easily. If I fill the tubes with oil, it's just about right to pick up, and gives me the internal corrosion resistance and crush resistance I'm looking for. Maybe I could use the cavity for hydraulic oil or something. Any way, take care and thanks for the call. Frank D.

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