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"Jay K. Jeffries" <bottomgun@mindspring.com> schrieb:
> Carsten,
> Great to converse with you and also to hear that you thought through many of
> the issues that might occur diving in the North and Baltic Seas (things can
> get treacherous fast there!).
> Two thoughts that might help:
> 1.        A small handheld Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon
> (EPIRB) that you can connect to your antenna.  Most Coast Guards can track
> these and often it is a satellite that gets the first hits.  Great for
> tracking down a lost boat or person (I have a small one that I take on in
> extremis dives or out in the wilderness.

I will look for that - we have some units on the yard - but to big. 
Hmm.. Handheld should work. 
> 2.       The second idea may not be feasible.  The inflatable collar sounds
> like a great idea but there are all kinds of opportunities for failure under
> trying conditions.  How about a thin fiberglass or aluminum sail coaming
> that the surface crew could snap onto the deck around the hatch to limit
> most of the water from entering.

To complicate - we think about it. Make no sence to open the hatch and 
leave the boat to.. : Nothing.  Better let the hatch close and wait that the boat is on deck.  

> Guess I am going to have to look at the Sgt. Pepper concept a little
> closer?would be cool to build one with some depth capability and cruise our
> 6000 ft. wall found ½ mile offshore.  I am getting ready to travel back to
> the States tomorrow morning so busy right now but would like to continue
> this conversation off line at a later time.  Is the MerlinSub email address
> a good place to contact you in the near future?

Most time question in the harbour of visitors is: Is that a robot (ROV) or manned ? 
And if I talk: manned - the say : no never.. 
Peppers is really a micro sub. The hatch entrance is 240 by 400 mm. I have blue points on my arms.. 
I think Peppers with 10-20 % bigger will be a great machine. 
At the moment the inside space is complete used and it was really 
difficult to find a place even for the small picture of my girl.. 
Was designed to carry on trailer behind a normal size european car. 
Can be much bigger behind a US fuel-eater..

The orignial boat has no top hatch, access via the dome. But this was not practical. Special on lakes. 
And it is mostly used on lakes up to 300 ft.  

I like the 5 Engines concept. I never worry if one of the thruster fails. Anyway if one of the sidethruster or one of the vertical fails - you can finish your dive or take another one - just with bigger turns and lower accent or decent rates. If I should build Peppers again it would 10 or 20 % bigger and has a double engine concept also for the mainstern drive. 

6000 ft is not comon for me here - or I had to build a big drill to 
this kind of boat to make the Sea here 5000 ft deeper.. 

Merlinsub@t-online.de would work all the time. 

best regards Carsten 

> R/Jay
> We just discuss that after a night dive of one of our scuba divers. 
> If the diver did manage back to the trawler - he is in really trouble and 
> will died after some hours at roof and coold sea. 
> On Peppers I can us the Gps to ride back to the meetingpoint, or use the
> radio 
> to give the trawler the position. In the night I can additional use the
> three searchlights.
> Outside flashlight is allways running on a regular base.  
> If this is not working because everybody on the trawler is maybe sleeping or
> drunken..
>  - I will do the same, sleep. Turning my body from prone position to sleep
> position 180 degrees. Switch scrubber fan offline and all other eletric and
> electronics to safe battery power and let just gps and radio on.
> Connect the hose from the snorckel vale to my mouth and sleep until sombody
> in the radio weak me 
> up.. The boat is so small that I can heat the cabin to 22 degress even in
> the north sea 
> wearing a t-shirt, a hose and socks.. If it gets cold in theory I switch on
> the inside search light 
> which give me some nearly 50 watts of heat. Should run about 24 hours at
> least.   
> On daylight or even on night I can use the 360 turning videoskop to look for
> some 
> friendly fishing vessel with a crane.. 
> I think I have a much, much better position to survife some days in the boat
> than a diver in the water.. 
> Ps. If the crane of the trawler is not working the trawler can be use as
> wave barrier 
> and I can manage my way from the micro-sub to the inflatable boat. As long
> as I am 
> in the hatch only a very little water can rush in ;-) We can tow the boats
> than home.  
> For Euronaut I purchase exit-hoods from a US-nuke military surplus. 
> A liferaft is a device I should think about it. 
> Wish we can quick exhange pictures and drawings on psubs.. Moki-file-server
> is so slow. 
> Best Regards Carsten
> *****************************************************************

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