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Fellow Subbers;
I'm forwarding this mail in case it may be of interest to anyone here.  Again, I have no knowledge of or financial interest in this company.  FYI only.
Codeware is presenting three seminars in Houston in October:
COMPRESS Training Seminar
How to use COMPRESS to design pressure vessels
Tuesday, October 3, 2006
ASME Section VIII Division 1: Pressure Vessel Design and Fabrication
Learn the Code from an expert.
Wednesday-Friday, October  4-6, 2006
Inspection, Fitness-For-Service Flaw Evaluation, and Repair of Pressure Equipment
Down-to-Earth training in this complex field.
Monday-Thursday, October 9-12, 2006
Please take a look at these very practical course offerings and attend one or more if you can.
See you in Houston!
...John Migliavacca 
If you would like to be deleted from our mailings, which include notices for Codeware software updates,  please send an email to john@codeware.com