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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] new hull design revised

I had the discussion over the cork effect that you are talking about on the tanks. they will both be devided into fore and aft sections both the trim and surface tanks. if devided is that going to solve the prob or do they need more. I have been thru the archives but see no drawings or diagrams. I am assuming that a cylintrical design is nec on any 1 ATM structure.
-----Original Message-----
From: poulin.carrier@videotron.ca
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Sent: Mon, 4 Sep 2006 8:17 AM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] new hull design

Hi Chad,
I understand more what you are talking about.
The problems I see with your design is that the flat separator from the trim to the surface tank won't hold the pressure since 1 system will be at ambient (surface) and the other will be 1atm when you close the bottom valve. the trim tank will receive the exact same pressure as your hull will. you need cylinder shape trim tank to support pressure.
second problem. Free surface. If your trim tanks are half full, the water will try to move foward or backward then changing the angle of the sub. The more it tilt, the more the water go forward, you end up with an upright sub that you can't blow the ballast.... very bad. You need separators in the tank. Do a search in the archive. This problem have been addressed many times and explained by more qualified people then me.
I can't help you with view port as my sub is an ambient sub. Again, I would recommend searching the archives. You will find alot of helpfull hints in there. The bubsy book (on-line now) can help you also.
Hope it help.
Pierre Poulin
----- Original Message -----
From: skrewgun007@aim.com
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Sent: Monday, September 04, 2006 7:55 AM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] new hull design

so are you saying use the ambiant tank for trim. I was thinking four trim tanks and four four surface tanks that way I can trim at four points before the dive to obtain neutral bouyancy and ballance the boat out. as for the piping I was trying to do away with alot of external piping. not for any real resone other than I don't want a bunch of external lines and pipes. I'm not sure what you mean about deviding the two systems? the trim tanks will have a drain valve that can be closed and the main surface tanks will vent out the bottom. air will be inroduced to the tanks from the top of each. once the trim tanks are set for the load the drain valve is closed and to surface all that is needed is to fill or flood the main tanks to surface and dive. I was attemting to streamline the boat also making it opperate more like an attack sub with dive planes and a joystick control for the rear rudders so as to operate like a sport sub or aircraft controls. here is a concept of line ! placement. and your oppinion on rectangular view ports would be? also is a concept drawing for an earlier design based on the flying sub. the top one was a weight trim design and the bottom one is a trim tank design. of coarse the tanks would have to be changed top to bottom but I have abandoned this idea for the other.
thankfully yours,
Chad Beller
east tx

-----Original Message-----
From: poulin.carrier@videotron.ca
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Sent: Mon, 4 Sep 2006 6:25 AM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] new hull design

Hello unnammed stranger,
A normal ballast system have 2 systems (like yours) exept that one system is ambient (for surface) and the other system is 1atm (trim) so, as you said, the boyancy won't change as you go deeper.
When I look at your system I don't see why you devide your 2 systems since they will work the same way. I think it would work the same if you only had 1 ambient system.
I also don't see how it could be simplier for the piping.
Pierre Poulin
----- Original Message -----
From: skrewgun007@aim.com
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Sent: Monday, September 04, 2006 2:42 AM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] new hull design

all this talk about getting back to subs but everyone still seems to be arguing over issues. I was waiting for a fist fight at the end of this pissing contest then we can all hose the testosterone off the decks and go on eh. I'm just a newbie so don't mind my little joke. I did have some ques regarding a new design I am trying to come up with to minimize exterior piping and make lines and valving simpler inside the hull. my trim tanks will be a closed sys and I am not sure if this is necicary or not. I was concerned with the air in my trim tanks loosing mass as I drive deeper  if I leave them ambiant which would cause my sub to become neg boyant at depth. The other concern is that if the trim tanks are a closed sys is the wall seperating the main tanks from the trim tanks need to be reinforced? as for the other ques that I have had earlier I found a place I should have known to look for affordable  parts and sealed rotating assemblies. grainger.com has ! a wide variety of parts for those interested in looking. they also have a few co2 and o2 meters avalible and a wide variety of hydrolic as well as peunamatic parts for fabrication.

any thoughts on rectangular port view holes instead of round.

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