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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Hard / soft ballast tanks.

Hmmm, good question Paul.
However; wouldn't the compressed air going into what was FORMERLY an ambient soft tank be required to exert enough pressure against the water in the tank to force it out and therefore even though the tank was now hard sealed, (as opposed to ambient soft)
wouldn't that compressed air have to push hard enough to force the water out at depth and then once it exceeded the water pressure and started filling the tank with air, wouldn't the compressed air equalize the tank against the outside water pressure (so it
wouldn't crush?) and then when you accended wouldn't you need an auto overpressure valve to release excess air from the tank as it expanded? Would it make any difference if the tank were inside the pressure hull or outside it?
Good question. I leave that to be answered by more educated on buoyancy subbers than me.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2005 4:07 PM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Hard / soft ballast tanks.

Adding a valve to a soft ballast tank does change the tank from an ambient to a potentially 1atm chamber.  By closing that valve you allow a pressure differential to be created when your sub changes depth.  So you'd have to build it much stronger than a more simple soft ballast tank.  Right?


On 10/29/05, Myles Hall <myles.h@sasktel.net> wrote:
   To make a "soft" tank into a "hard" tank, do I simply need to install a valve to let in the water as opposed to just an open flood hole ?  This valve, of course, would keep the water from coming in while the sub gains depth (pressure).