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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Hard / soft ballast tanks.

My last thought on the needlefish. (promise)
He said he was building and dedicating the sub for his father who fought in the pacific in WW2 and for all the submariners who did. (But didn't say if his dad was a submariner or not).
So why build something that looks like an enlogated two place (originals were one place)  German biber U boot complete with (non biber but full size U boot looking) cable/net cutters on the bow?
My dad WAS a submariner who fought in the pacific in the # 2 rated boat of that entire campaign, The SS269 Rasher. If I was going to
build a boat espressly dedicated to him and his fellow submariners, I would build either an O, S, or fleet class replica. Not a german biber or
a jap minisub. I don't understand his logic. Not that I don't like the german boats. I love em! But I wouldn't dedicate one to my dad. He fought
against the japs but the germans as well were his enemy. My dad would be insulted if I dedicated a jap replica to him when they (not the jap minisubs, but the japs in general) killed so many of his fellow sailors.
Now we have evidence that a jap minisub may have torped some of the ships at Pearl Harbor based on aerial photos we have re gone over. Would dad be proud of me
dedicating one to him? No way!