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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Another nutcase here.

Hi Myles.
The STANDARD RECREATIONAL dive tables are printed on a simple plastic card and I bet you could find them easily on e bay, also at any dive shop.
They are not specific to any one diver or location. I specified standard recreational, because there are decompression and saturation dive tables too.
Standard recreational scuba dive tables do NOT account for deco level stops. The recreational dive tables 3 minute safety hang at 15 feet is a precaution
but not really a deco hang. If you follow the standard Rec diving tables you do not have to decompress on the way up. Depending on how deep and how
long you were just down for your no decompression dive, you may have to offgas some before you do another dive, but you wouldn't have to deco on the way
up on your first dive. That is why it is called standard recreational NO DECOMPRESSION diving. When you do multiple dives on the same day, it gets a bit
more complicated and you have to allow time for your body to offgas nitrogen to a certain level before you dive again and it depends on how deep and how long
you plan to go for your next dive as to how long you have to remain topside to offgas body nitrogen before diving again.
Although salt water is more buoyant than fresh, the atmosphere increasing times 1 roughly every ten meters (33 ft) should stay the same.
With the pressure problems bothering your head that you mentioned, you might want to take an inexpensive dive course and see if you could take the
pressure before you invested the time and expense to build an ambient sub only to find it hurts you to use it. If you were going to be operating an ambient
sub you should be a certified diver anyway because as you now see both the diver and the ambient sub operator are operating under increased pressure
so you see how having diving knowledge and skills can help in operating the ambient sub. Have you ever had your eardrums perforated? Do you have frequent
sinus problems? You might get checked out by a doctor to see what might be causing the problems and maybe it can be fixed or at least you would know
what was causing it and go forward with a 1 atm design instead of an ambient.
----- Original Message -----
From: Myles Hall
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005 12:02 PM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Another nutcase here.

   I appreciate you taking the time to tell me this stuff.  While I am not a SCUBA certified diver, I am familiar with some of it's concepts concerning pressure.
   These dive tables you speak of, are they available on line somewhere or are they specific to each diver or to certain locations ?
   Another question I have is, is the 10M per atmosphere thing apply to both fresh and salt water ?  My sub would be primarily for fresh water use.