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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Magnetic Switches & Clutches

Thanks Byron.
Yes, I would like to pursue that angle, please do send me some e mail addresses and an intro letter so I may contact them and see if they could help.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2005 6:35 AM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Magnetic Switches & Clutches

Hi Bill,
In addition to contacting the reed switch manufacturers, you might also want to contact some of the guys who are building, and designing manned submersibles.   They are very knowledgeable, and I am sure would be very interested in what you are doing.  Subs are their lives, believe me.
I would suggest Barry Walden, with WHOI's ALVIN group,  either Doug Pridgeon or Rich Slater with Delta Oceanographics, or Jim Sullivan with Harbor Branch  Oceanographic, for starters.
One of the best of them all is  probably Graham Hawkes, of Hawkes Oceanographic Technology.  He's designed lots of  subs and rovs over the years and is a great guy to talk to.  he's presently working on Deep Flight.
Another of the best is Doug at Delta.  He designed and built (by hand) the  Nekton subs. I have been down to 700 ft. with him in the Delta, off the coast of Catalina. With Doug  Email might be best, as he's deaf as a post.  He is quite a genius when it comes to cost effective subs, and he's a guy who gets his hands dirty. A machinist.
If you would  like pursue this angle, let me know and I will send you some email addresses and if  you want, an email introduction.  you really dont need it, with these guys, though.  They are all  enthusiasts of the highest caliber.. All these guys are old customers of mine for underwater tracking and navigation systems, and I  have spent a lot of  time with them.