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Re: Re:[PSUBS-MAILIST] Deep flyer on Ebay?

  Correct me if I?m wrong, but don?t you have to register with E-Bay before you post something to auction there?


  E-Bay has to maintain some kind of a database, otherwise they have no control over their site and more importantly they don?t have any way to bill the individual to receive their money.


  Check for yourself.  Contact their website and see what information is required to register.  Then ask them how long they maintain that information etc.  I?m sure that they will tell you that they maintain the information ?forever?. 


  I think that when they told you that they didn?t know that they were trying to bending the truth so to speak.


  In any case as always ?Let the buyer beware?


Phil Patton

----- Original Message -----
From: Akins
Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2005 7:44 AM
Subject: Re: Re:[PSUBS-MAILIST] Deep flyer on Ebay?

Hi Phil.
Something I am wondering about is....why not have the state attorney investigate the case and have them supeona the e bay records which would show what I.P address and server he
used and then track him down by his I.P. address on his server? I know the authorities can do this if they want to and track someone down that way. They do it with traps they set for child
molesters wherein a cop poses as  kiddie bait and a molester bites and they track him down and arrest him from his I.P. address.
Why not give it a try Phil? Call your state attorney. Couldn't hurt.
Kindest Regards,
Bill Akins.

Phil Nuytten <pnuytten@compuserve.com> wrote:
Further to my last post on above subject: I see that Ebay has booted this
guy. Did any Psubbers succeed in making contact with him/her/it?? If so, I
would much appreciate an email address - I'd like to have the Palm Springs
'sub cops' talk to this particular seller - then our lawyer would like to
present a small handful of papers! I tried to contact the seller a couple
of times - thru' the eBay 'ask seller a question', but there was no
response and the question was not posted in the listing. The seller
>papahound25< has zero record on ebay - zero transactions - zero feedback.
I'd really like to find this guy! eBay says ( predictably) "the seller's no
longer registered with us - we don't want to know him - don't bother
replying - this a recording - have a good day!"
Phil Nuytten