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[PSUBS-MAILIST] My Sub design
I'm still keen to hear comments on my sub mockup at Moki.
The hull is 1 metre in diameter 1 inch thick with a 2 inch bulkhead at the
opening. The ellipsoid viewport is 2 inches thick.
I originally planned to use a hemisphere but visibility was limited. The
viewport would be fitted into a steel rim and hinge plate with protection bars.
I thought the fairing might also be able to be filled with air at the
surface to add bouyancy and raise the hull a little higher in rough conditions.
There are no motors for vertical motion, I am wondering if some rim tanks
are good enough to achieve good depth control or if I really do need those
extra motors. I have a place for them in the fairing.
Under the fairing would be about 9 tanks, each around 300mm long oriented
vertically. Most would be connected together, a couple would be used for
under the hull would be a large drop weight.
The concept is to have the weight of the sub below the tanks, so it sort of
hangs in the water like a helicopter. I haven't made any studies of the COG
Dave Everett
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