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[PSUBS-MAILIST] The Kinder, Gentler Side Of Psubs

   Most of you guys probably know very little about me, besides what you can glean from my occasional post about this or that.
   One of what you might call my passions is writing.  I do some short stories and have quite a large collection of poetry.  I have been told that I'm good at it, but I don't believe a word of it!
     What does this have to do with submarines?  Psubs?  Well, in light of the recent attacks on the esteemed gentlemen within our modest group, and our common interest, I thought a bit of salve might be appreciated, in the form of something I came up with and put to keyboard one night.  May it enlighten those who would seek to know our motivations and shed a bit more light on who we REALLY are....here ya go:
                Deep Submergence

     Come slip her surly waves with me,

As we stir courage to descend,

To depths unplumbed by lesser souls,

Cry havoc, set the ballast free.


     Ten feet, twenty, soon eight score more,

Will see the day?s light fade from view,

But we have Volta?s strange device,

Electrons rush to Edison?s lights.


   We drop and drop, there is no knowing,

From whence we came or where we?re going,

A tiny vessel in a great green scheme,

Deploy the manipulator to greet the unknown.


   And now let?s arrest this deadly plunge,

Commence a hover, bring her about,

A thruster churns a brew of plankton,

Eight hundred feet, let us look without.


      All I see I?ve ne?er before,

Glimpsed when I didn?t breathe canned air,

Gangly eyes on flimsy stalks,

Spiny weapons, eels with shocks.


     But keep in mind, the pressure?s great,

A man can?t stay, and bide his time,

Ever She searches for a means,

To introduce you to Davey Jones.


 Men of Scorpion, men of Thresher,

Whose bunks now lie in twisted steel,

We pay our tithe with a silent prayer,

To a sea begrudging of our ascent.


    So, now, my friend,

If you?ll turn that valve,

Unsere U-Boot kann nicht mehr sinken,

We make our haste from yonder deep,

The whitecaps above call us home.






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