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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Check Lists

Steven Mills schrieb:
> Thanks Carsten,
> [ any pics of that sonarglider? I'll have to do a search ]

Its on the net at : http://www.euronaut.org/projekte.htm
The first picture on that page shows my plane in the late 70ies 
and the house of my parents in the background.. 
> I am not surprised with Euronaut's checklist and I can appreciate being
> meticulous with maintaining a discipline with her.

Year, some discipline is nessesary to controll a 70 ts vessel.. :-)
Thats one resaon thet the crew is allready here collected - two years 
before the boat will be in the water. 
> I came across another interesting bit of info in a book on maritime law I
> bought
> last year.  There was a section on submarines and research subs. I am
> paraphrasing here, but essentially it says, when entering the territorial
> limits
> of a sovereign country, the submarine must surface and raise colors. The
> colors being a flag of country of origin or registry. It also indicates
> that if there
> be a ship's flag or burgee that it be raise below the flag of origin. [
> something
> like Cousteau's "Calypso" which I believe had her own flag? ]
> Now, I'm not saying you're planning a tans-Atlantic cruise, though it
> seems
> with the proper support vessel, you could?, and the Euronaut would be
> capable
> of extended coastal cruises. [ again, with support vessel ]
> Does the Euronaut have it's own banner?

No it has not - it will show the flagg of the unit european nations  
- blue blackground with a cycle of golden stars. This is not the offical
that the boat hast to follow..because of its registery (- thats the
german flagg) 
but I like the blue one more.. 

The range will be about 300 sm - maybe a trip to England. Clear not the 
Trans-atlantic route.. but if I want to do this - I just have to fill 
the ballasttanks with diesel.. 10.000 Liters of Diesel will give the
a runtime of about 333 hours with a speed of 8 knots = 2666 sm together 
with the 1000 Liter in the two dieseltanks (additional 300 sm) give this 
altogether the 3000 sm nessesary for a trans-atlantic trip. But the 
370 hours are 15 days and nights.. a hard figure for a crew of 3-4 in a 
such small vessel. But okay theoretical without any support vessel.. 
> And a personal opinion:  I've known general aviation pilots, who, if they
> invited
> me to fly second seat or as passenger, I would refuse.  Their skills
> aren't in
> question...just their lack of safety protocols, which, "actually" are
> part of one's skills.
>  [ and I'm not talking about aerobatics ]   However,  after being on this
> forum for
> quite awhile, I would trust any of the builders/pilots with my life.  We
> are a different
> breed are we not ?!  : )
> --Steve

Saftey is allways a fact, a good engineer should allways think about it. 
The Euronaut will be more safe than any military sub. And clear more
than the most psubs.. But anyway something can go wrong.. There is no
to create a 100% safe vessel - at least there will stay a small risk. 

Unsafe are vessel with a pilot on the helm which is not familar with 
the technology he just use. Young car owners make this surprisely
- most of them face to face with a tree.. 

I know everything about my subs and how to handle it - more background 
that during the time I was a 15 years old sonarglider pilot. 

see you Carsten

> On Sun, 14 Mar 2004 11:25:52 +0100 MerlinSub@t-online.de (Carsten
> Standfuss) writes:
> > Hi Steven - I have a pre-flight checklist for Sgt.Peppers.
> > (And I was also a sonarglider pilot before .. )
> >
> > Its four pages long and takes 20 Minutes with two guys before the
> > boats
> > gets with the trailer into the water. Checklist will be not in the
> > boat
> > but outside on the Van used as radiostation, workshop and resting
> > place.
> >
> > There is no "before dive check" - just check the pressurebottles
> > storage
> > gauge again - and no "end of the day" check. Just closing the
> > pressure
> > bottles, removing the sofalime, and shut down the battery main
> > switch.
> >
> > But a greater checkup/test in the workshop before the boat get next
> > time
> > out of the storage after resting a longer time.
> >
> > The pre-leaving the harbour checklist for the Euronaut sub will be
> > much
> > longer maybe 8 pages - will take maybe also 20-30 minutes - but need
> > the
> > work of all 4- crewmembers.
> >
> > regards Carsten
> >
> > Steven Mills schrieb:
> > >
> > > A procedure that my flight instructors made sure became second
> > > nature for me was the preFlight check and checklist.  [ also, post
> > flight
> > > to make certain the aircraft was secured, tied down, and check for
> > > possible damage or compromises developed during flight ].
> > >
> > > All aircraft have these lists located in the cabin, usually in a
> > side
> > > pocket
> > > pilot side cabin door.
> > >
> > > This question is for all of you, but especially for those
> > builders/pilots
> > > who
> > > have experience flying/diving their submersibles.
> > >
> > > Is there a preFlight or preDive checklist one goes thru before
> > taking her
> > > out and is there a final check before submerging? Is there a check
> > before
> > > ascent before returning to the surface? Is there a post-dive
> > checklist.
> > >
> > > Do you keep a checklist attached somewhere near the cockpit within
> > view?
> > >
> > > When considering projects like "OSS" should not there be such a
> > safety
> > > check
> > > list procedure included with the submersible?
> > >
> > > --Steve
> > >
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