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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST]Last Post for GAIL-gailpaleka@yahoo.com

David and Gail, FWIW since we are all PUSBers I have an ofer that should clear all discontent from this issue. The spat between you two shows a particular type of resentful lust, so I ask are you guys planning on getting married or something? You guys fight like you already are....

Anyhow, if you need any help formalizing your relationship, please keepme and Carsten in Mind. I am an ordained minister (yeah, I really am) and can show you the certification for it, and Carsten has a sub we could hold the proceedings on. Be a true PSUBer! Get married at 200 fathoms and 6.5 knots!

david cutajar wrote:

I am sorry guys. This is mylastpost on the "subject".
I'm trying to let this topic go, and I don't know
Mike, Gail or any of you for that matter; so I don't
know why it bothers me so much, but everytime I read
this line that Gail wrote about Mike:

"that perhaps one was better suited for something

It just pisses me off to no-end. Just who the hell
does this person think she is? and now she is playing
the role of the poor leeetle victum. You meanies.


Next time you "quote" me, don't translate (because you
are stupid) -and don't leave out items I wrote:


"Dave (who recently accused Psubs of being a Rip Off)
told me I didn't have the right to question this
group, and called me a bitch."

    FOR THE RECORD, moron, I thought the pressure hull
print was the rip-off not the Psub site. I said it was
not worthy of the site. Boy are you dumb.

have the right to question this group"??????? OR ARE
YOU LYING???????


"Dave Cutajar wrote:

"I don't know you, or anything about you, BUT who


you to: (snip) Put the group down.


I have been contacted outside the group by several
talented, experienced people who have built subs
.....and recently, one pretentious bitch.:

WHAT WAS ACTUALLY WRITTEN:(and posted to the group).


I don't know you, or anything about you, BUT who are
you to:

put a "commentary into context"?

Talk to Mike in that manner?

Tell someone "that perhaps one was better suited for
something else?"??? WOW IS THAT RUDE.

Put the group down.

I have been contacted outside the group by several
talented, experienced people who have built subs
(well-known subs).

"And Steve, it's wonderful that Psubs is frequented

by physicists, archaeologists, astronomers,
psychologists, and divers."

.....and recently, one pretentious bi---.

Sorry didn't go off-list, but I was afraid I wouldn't
be so polite.

Oh, but I hope I didn't offend anyone, just thought I
would "offer this as constructive criticism ".

Don't waste the groups time by responding on-list - Feel free to call me anytime...


David Cutajar
DJC Engineering

P.S. Please bestow your vast knowledge and grand
resources upon us poor saps and let us know the web
address of a better PSub site that we can only hope to
emulate -if you deem us worthy of course....

"By the side of religion, by the side of science, by the side of poetry, stands natural beauty. Not as a rival to these, but as the common inspirer and nourisher of them all." -- G. M. Trevelyan