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Re: Ray- was Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Self introduction

Gail I missed where Stan was a pervert, of course what is perverted to you could very well be exceptionally mellow to me. :) I don't recall Erik telling you to shut the hell up either. Yes he could have, and yes I could have missed it. Please understand that I'm also running my own business and recieve business e-mail mixed in with personal, and it's not uncommon for me to get anywhere from 75-300 e-mails per day. I do recall Dave expressing his fondness of you (where I'm from men only talked to women like that if they wanted to either ask them out for a date or marry them, so I'll leave that for you two to discuss). But I, for the life of me, can't understand what the problem is you have with PSUBS.

You have forgotten the two golden rules of the internet Gail-
1. You better have a thick skin
2. Don't forget to buy everyone pizza and beer, cause it's hard to fight over good food or with a full stomach.

Gail Paleka wrote:

Erik told me to "shut the hell up". Dave (who recently accused Psubs of being a Rip Off) told me I didn't have the right to question this group, and called me a bitch. And (I've found his name in other posts) Stan Freihoff made a comment so sexually perverted I won't even bother to repeat it here. And you say I am disrespectful? You must be crazy. I committed the mortal sin of questioning the almighty Psubs. Now you guys are looking to crucify me as part of a bonding ritual! Nothing I can say will change your minds, so go ahead boys. Close your eyes to the truth about yourselves. Don't stop to think of how you look to outsiders, you won't like what you see. Turn everything I say against me. Take everything in the worst possible light. Revel in the "brotherhood" as you take cheap shots at the lone girl who came here seeking information, and was totally unaware of what was lurking below the surface of this "group". THIS is what Psubs is all about. And Carl, that's what's really nauseating around here. So come on, all you big tough guys. Here's your chance to gang up on someone and drive them out of your precious little group. I know you need to do that, so you can go back to feeling secure and unchallenged here. But it won't be the first time, will it? And it won't be the last Just for the record, Ray: a few of those experienced Psubbers didn't leave PSUBS over ego clashes, as you say they did. They told me they left because your group is what it is. And after what I've seen here, I fully understand what they mean. Best, Gail Coalbunny <coalbunny@vcn.com> wrote:

    Ray, is there a solution to this situation? I am very supportive of new
    people coming here to learn, but my "tolerance" grows thin when my
    friends are attacked for what I feel are reasonable actions on their

    Whether this Gail person is male or female is irrelavant. Being new to
    a group and showing such disrespect is nauseating.

    Gail Paleka wrote:

     > Psubbers,
     > Thank you for your replies to my post; you've taught me more
    about your
     > true nature than I could have learned in any other way.
     > Peter said:
     > "It is this group's tolerance and openness that I find so
     > Tolerance, Peter? Please consider these replies I've received:
     > Eric Muller wrote:
     > "You are a fool and narrowminded one at that. Please, for the sake of
     > mine and other peoples opinion of you, shut the hell up or change
     > topics.
     > EM."
     > Dave Cutajar wrote:
     > "I don't know you, or anything about you, BUT who are
     > you to: (snip) Put the group down.
     > (snip)
     > I have been contacted outside the group by several
     > talented, experienced people who have built subs
     > .....and recently, one pretentious bitch.
     > Don't waste the groups time by responding on-list -
     > Feel free to call me anytime...
     > Sincerely,
     > David Cutajar
     > DJC Engineering
     > (586)484-3232"
     > And, in a message entitled " Welcome to Psubs", SFreihof said:
     > "There's nothing quite as refreshing as kindly welcoming a
    newcomer who
     > then promptly farts and then brags about the stink they made. What a
     > shallow minded hoot you are!
     > You are ! a pompous and self-aggrandizing egotist whose entire
     > constructive contribution consists of effusive ordure.
     > Osculate my orifice when you exit."
     > Tolerance, Peter? What tolerance?
     > I'm sure you'll be happy here, Peter. Just keep "yucking it up" with
     > the boys; talking about girls and beers. Always tell them they are
     > right; that's what they want to hear. Don't ever tell them they are
     > wrong; they can't handle it. And if you encorporate some faulty
     > information into your submarine, and someone gets killed,
     > all else, don't complain. You won't be popular with the group any
     > if you do.
     > Best,
     > Gail
     > Do you Yahoo!?
     > Yahoo! Search - Find what you’re looking for faster.

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    stands natural beauty. Not as a rival to these, but as the common
    inspirer and nourisher of them all." -- G. M. Trevelyan

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"By the side of religion, by the side of science, by the side of poetry, stands natural beauty. Not as a rival to these, but as the common inspirer and nourisher of them all." -- G. M. Trevelyan