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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Self introduction

On Sun, 7 Mar 2004 13:25:27 -0800 (PST) Gail Paleka
<gailpaleka@yahoo.com> writes:
> Mike, Steve, 
> Hope I didn't hurt your feelings.  I just wanted to put your 
> commentary into context.  

Thanks Gail for that insight.
No, you didn't hurt my feelings.
The whole point of this thread was to welcome Alex.
I don't believe I gave him advice in my greeting, simply
pointing out he came to the right place.

I think Alex has had enough welcome I certainly have
had my fill of this and would like to get on with subs.
I will humbly defer to the experts in this forum as I am
quite happy to plead ignorance. I learn more this way.

Thanks again,


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