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On Tuesday, January 20, 2004, at 03:10 PM, Warren Greenway wrote:

This is missing the point. PSUBS should offer BOTH a
link to the downloadable files as well as a CD for $15,
or whatever. Information in the public domain should
never have access to it limited for any reason.

Sorry -- I think that sounds just silly. The way it's worded here, anyway.

If nobody bothered to scan the book or put it up on the web, that would be "limiting access," would it not?

"Public domain" means one could get it anyway you want -- provided somebody feels like providing a way to get it, or one takes the initiative to do it oneself.

If Doug hadn't gone to the bother, bless 'im, many of us wouldn't have the book anyway. If somebody wants to give it away for free -- fine, let 'em.

That doesn't mean somebody else can't charge for the bother.