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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] space station o2 generator- a candle to burn, status ryan's

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael B Holt <tlohm@juno.com>
Sent: Jan 6, 2004 2:05 PM

> As far as speed goes ... I have a report here that what works best
> is to put longitudinal grooves in the hull.   The improvement is so
> small that it takes a lot of power to make the machining worth the
> trouble and the cost. 

Hi Mike,

could you tell us the source of your paper/report?
Also, is it directly related to submarines, or surface vessels?

I've heard that for surface vessels longitudinal grooves well help
funnel and trap air between the vessels hull and the water.

I've also heard that creating a rough surface, like painting with grit
and sand helps of improving speed (similar to the skin of a shark
or dog fish).
