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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] space station o2 generator- a candle to burn, status ryan's

On Tue, 6 Jan 2004 15:12:00 -0800 (GMT-08:00) irox > writes:
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Michael B Holt 
>> As far as speed goes ... I have a report here that what works best
>> is to put longitudinal grooves in the hull.   The improvement is so
>> small that it takes a lot of power to make the machining worth the
>> trouble and the cost. 
>could you tell us the source of your paper/report?
>Also, is it directly related to submarines, or surface vessels?

It was a NASA report directly related to submarines.  I think.
It's not where I thought it was.   There was also a patent on
a method of scribing grooves into a hull, but that's not in my
collection of patents.   I'll keep looking.

>I've also heard that creating a rough surface, like painting with grit
>and sand helps of improving speed (similar to the skin of a shark
>or dog fish).

The grooves do the same thing.


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