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Sorry for the late reply-I've had my head stuck in the books for the last few days. Final tests at school-I am beginning to think I am too old for this. I would love to get a Seehund or Biber through or for our museum but it would never work here. Our museum deals strictly with local/regional history with a big significance on the Mississippi River Delta area. A steamboat for sure, a Civil War Hunley, David or similar craft maybe, but not a WWII midget submarine, German or American. I am sure though that a nautical or maritime institution somewhere would go for it. I would imagine the US Naval Academy would love to have one. It would be a great project. If I want a Seehund, I am on my own as far as our museum goes. I gotta build it. I saw the current AIR CLASSICS magazine over the weekend- The "new" ME 262s START at 2 Million US. Carsten, I think you are exactly right-there would be no market for a replica WWII midget boat no matter what the type. At least here in the US.  Alles Gute Käpitan! Mark

Mark E. Steed
Arkansas State University Museum
110 Cooley Drive,PO Box#490
State University, AR 72467-0490 
Tel#(870)972-2074 Fax#(870)972-2793
Email: plutomark@mail.astate.edu

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: MerlinSub@t-online.de (Carsten Standfuss)
Reply-To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Date:  Fri, 12 Dec 2003 16:53:49 +0100

>I found just this..
>maybe Mark should request a museum for an original unit - and restore
>this unit to operational on an "later back" aggrement.  
>But a such projekt will maybe cost more time than to build a newone -
>and is even not cheap. 
>The units in the Museums in Bremerhaven, Cuxhaven and Wilhelmshaven are
>in to bad conditions.. but the units im Munich and Speyer - maybe. 
>Boat in Cuxhaven :
>regards, Carsten