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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Replicas suitable for Arkansas

On Mon, 15 Dec 2003 09:16:43 -0600 "Mark Steed" writes:
>Sorry for the late reply-I've had my head stuck in the books for the 
>last few days. Final tests at school-I am beginning to think I am too 
>old for this.

I keep saying the same thing.

> I would love to get a Seehund or Biber through or for 
>our museum but it would never work here. 

Is there a place where lots of Bibers and Seehunds were 

> Our museum deals strictly 
>with local/regional history with a big significance on the Mississippi 
>River Delta area. A steamboat for sure, a Civil War Hunley, David or 
>similar craft maybe, but not a WWII midget submarine, German or 

You do have a submarine option, Mark.  Louisiana has in its State
Museum a small sub they can't identify.   It was built during the Civil
War, they assume.  I've been trying to talk everyone into doing
what can be done to identify the source of the iron.  I have all the
drawings  of the thing.  Want to built another one?  I was going to 
build a plywood-and-sheet metal static replica, about 1/12th, but 
I'm open to larger sizes and different materials.

Mike Holt

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