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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Replicas suitable for Arkansas

On Tue, 16 Dec 2003 19:22:51 +0100 Carsten Standfuss writes:
>Any Seehund raised from the seebottom and lifted on his own lifting eyes
>will break in parts.. The wrecks raised here over the years are all
>raised with a heavy oak frame below the keel. 

I saw the photos of a Seehind being raised.   I wondered how
fragile it might have become.

>I think to restore a wreck which was 60 years under seawater with a
>original shell tickness of just 4 mm to ready to dive condition 
>is impossible. 

Raising a Seehund would be done only to display it.   I'm just
a slightly crazy capitalist, not a suicide.   (On the other hand,
I like women, so .... )

>There must be maybe a german Delphin Midget somewere in store in the 
>US!  It was traveled 1946 for inspection to Fort Lauderdale - were is it

>gone ?

Fort Lauderdale?   There was a submarine base in Key West at
that time.   Hamlin's tracked sub was tested there in 1950.
What would have been done in Fort Lauderdale?

Mike Holt

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