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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Hull Design Programs
I'd be interested to hear from anybody who thinks they are getting
useful results from those programs. I tried them a while ago, but
the results I was getting from the programs where nothing like the
results I was getting from the formulas. Since there wasn't any
source code to these programs I wasn't able to work out if it was
an implementations problem, a unit issue (working in mm or inchs
and kg, instead of meters and kg, etc.), or if I'd done something
really wrong then working out the formula.
On Sun, 7 Dec 2003 12:59:02 EST
NeophyteSG@aol.com wrote:
> I ran across these and thought they might be of interest. They can be
> downloaded at:
> http://www.mech.port.ac.uk/sdalby/mbm/CTFRProg2.htm
> Pressure Vessels: External Pressure Technology
> Programs for use with "Pressure Vessels: External Pressure Technology"
> by C.T.F.Ross, HORWOOD Publishing Ltd, Chichester.
> WARNING. Although the programs are supplied in good faith and after careful
> consideration, neither the author nor the publisher can accept any liability
> whatsoever that might arise as a result of using these programs for any purpose
> whatever. Users of these programs should be qualified and competent pressure
> vessel designers and then only after they have read the book mentioned above.
> Special care should be taken not to exceed the numerical precision of the
> machine nor of the software.
> These programs have been provided free of charge by their author, Professor
> Carl Ross. You are welcome to download and use them, but remember they are
> copyrighted.
> To download the programs, simply click on the filename and follow the
> instructions.
> RINGCYLE.EXE - Axisymetric stresses in circular cylinders stiffened by equal
> strength ring frames
> RINGCYLG.EXE - Axisymetric stresses in circular cylinders stiffened by
> unequal strength ring frames
> MISESNP.EXE - Shell instability
> NIORDSON.EXE - Shell instability buckling pressure for a perfect circular
> conical shell by an approximate method
> KENDRIC1.EXE - General instability by Kendrick part I
> KENDPT3.EXE - General instability by Kendrick part III
> BRYANT.EXE - General instability by Bryant's approximate formula
> CYLBUCK.EXE - Shell instability of an orthotropic cylinder
> VIBCYL.EXE - Free vibration of an orthotropic cylinder
> Good luck !
> Carl T.F.Ross BSc, PhD, DSc,
> Department of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering,
> University of Portsmouth,
> United Kingdom.
> EMAIL: carl.ross@port.ac.uk
> *****
> "To see a World in a Grain of Sand
> And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
> Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
> And Eternity in an hour."
> -- Auguries of Innocence, William Blake, ca 1803