Programs for use with "Pressure Vessels: External Pressure Technology"
by C.T.F.Ross, HORWOOD Publishing Ltd, Chichester.
WARNING. Although the programs are supplied in good faith and after careful consideration, neither the author nor the publisher can accept any liability whatsoever that might arise as a result of using these programs for any purpose whatever. Users of these programs should be qualified and competent pressure vessel designers and then only after they have read the book mentioned above. Special care should be taken not to exceed the numerical precision of the machine nor of the software.
These programs have been provided free of charge by their author, Professor Carl Ross. You are welcome to download and use them, but remember they are copyrighted.
To download the programs, simply click on the filename and follow the instructions.
Good luck !
Carl T.F.Ross BSc, PhD, DSc,
Department of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering,
University of Portsmouth,
United Kingdom.