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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Group support...or is that "Support Group"?

Mike: Thanks for your interest and welcome aboard. You are now part of the future crew. Any help, thoughts, inputs-anything is most welcome. The Seehund is what I want and with this group, nothing is impossible. I have no idea how long such a project takes but now is as good a time as ever to at least start. I can begin by planning and collecting data first. By the way, I've been making cracks for a long time about "land locked Arkansas" and I may have to eat a little crow. Watching the local TV news last night, I was surprised to find out our capital city will acquire a submarine. Seems that the city of Little Rock has managed to make a deal to get the USS Razorback-SS394, a Balao boat from WW2. A little quick rersearch shows she was built by the Portsmouth Naval Yard and commissioned January 1944. According to the TV reporter, it had been in service with the Turkish Navy and "has been moored there several years." This will be a great thing if it happens and there is no better place than the Arkansas River for a good used Balao boat. Ray-I have visions of the Blueback in beautiful Portland. That is unless some morons decide to put a water slide on it and sell hot dogs off the deck. I will keep you posted. Anybody have any USS Razorback tales? Best regards and thanks to all and Mike-good idea,lets fine-tune the acronyms- Mark  SOFLOT ARDRON 1

Mark E. Steed
Arkansas State University Museum
110 Cooley Drive,PO Box#490
State University, AR 72467-0490 
Tel#(870)972-2074 Fax#(870)972-2793
Email: plutomark@mail.astate.edu

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Michael B Holt <tlohm@juno.com>
Reply-To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Date:  Fri, 28 Nov 2003 17:59:51 -0500

>On Fri, 28 Nov 2003 12:30:22 -0600 "Mark Steed"
><plutomark@mail.astate.edu> writes:
>>After digesting everything from yesterday and studying about all this, 
>>my vote is with the Seehund. With a design such as it, I can actually 
>>picture myself with a PSub someday. I have a very long way to go to 
>>even begin such a project but this is the path I will take.
>Mark, if you really want to take a shot at a replica Seehund, I want to 
>be there.   (I'm looking for a thesis project, but a Seehund is a bit 
>bigger than what I had in mind.)    
>> Thanks-and best regards- Mark-Psubs SOFLOT 
>>ARDRON (Mike-I love the acronyms!) 
>Acronyms are an art form!    We need to fine-tune this thing, though. 
>Mike Holt
>Psubs SoFlot VaRon 1
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