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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Scaled-Down Replicas of Modern Sub Designs...

> Raven93 schrieb:
> Someone mentioned that scaling down a modern sub design to build a
> personal sub was not a particularly good idea.  Now before I start
> building a miniature Seawolf or something what are the drawbacks?  I
> can see where surfaced (versus submerged) stability might be an issue.

A Atomic shape style sub scaled down to Kittredge size has : 

- to small rudders and fins
- much to small tower and sail
- a bad length to beam ratio
- a bad deck for surface operation
- small other minor bad points 
  like small space for pressure bottles and batteries. 

And I have seen this teardrop shape atomic RC models on many model
contest. The allways damage there propellers and rudders near the
ground. This shape looks cool and nice but is clear designed for: 

- fast run in free water

A Psub is normal only usefull at : 

- slow speed near the ground

;-) Carsten