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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Replicas (was: Decisions decisions decisions....)

On Wed, 26 Nov 2003 17:04:29 +0100 MerlinSub@t-online.de (Carsten
Standfuss) writes:
>Carl make something from historic interesst.. 
>Like an early Holland or Lake or Bauer sub 
>- so we can figure out how the works really.. 

I'm doing just this.   I'm about the do the first drawings of Lake's
Argonaut Junior.   I know enough about Holland's first boat to
build that easily.   Bauer's boat are a bit beyond the average
homebuilder; I learned this from the huge stack of drawings
and notes Carsten sent to me (thanks again!).     

Anyone want to join in the first Holland boat?  It didn't have
wheels, and the thing was small enough to handle in the
water.   Lake's first boat may have weighed five tons and 
measured 14x4x5 feet -- which is huge!  I'm still planning
to replicated Junior (possibly as a Masters' thesis). 

>Or something from WWII like a Biber or Seehund or Welcraft. 
>just to see what such a craft can do realistic. 

These would be fun.   Didn't the Welcraft have control problems?
I'd like to see a Marder replica.  

>The best on the WWII replicas are that the drawings are mostly
>The early 1900 boats needs a little more research. 

In some cases, the plans for the early boats are still available.
>From the U.S. National Archives one can buy the plans of any
ship built before 1940.  I have the plans to the C-class subs,
and the date is 1910.   Do other countries have this resource?

>Nobody did this before.. They build old spain sail ships, old viking
>boats etc. Even they build WWII fighter aircrafts replica. But never 
>somebody build  a replica of a real submarine. 

Submarines have a different feel to them.   All the public knows
they learned from war movies, and submarines are seen as
very dangerous.   If this sort of thing was easy persons like us
would be doing something different.

Mike  Holt

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