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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] brushless & diesel- brushless

At 22:00 27.10.2003 +0100, Emile wrote:
>Brushless engines for R/c model aeroplanes put out already 1,5 kw;
>alternative?? www.plettenberg-motoren.com/Daten/HP37050.htm

I've been following the developement of these for couple of years.
The power range would be ideal for my ROV.
The advantage of these against normal brushed DC-motors is that you
don't need seals or pressure compensation.
Search for LRK for details how they work (originally a german DIY
design for a motor).

The down fall is that you need expensive controller to even get
it rotating (but still cheaper than inverter + AC controller).
There are big industrial brushless motors used in f.ex hazardous
areas. These might suit some designs. (minn kota in oil is cheaper)
I haven't really looked at beyond 250W, but
boasts up to 400hp motors.
