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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: human powered subs

> hps -human powered submarine contest
> isr - international submarine race.

These will turn up heaps of amazing university team subs. Saw computer that automatically balanced sub tilt via ballast tanks.

Is there any way to make good naca teardrop shape - well, concrete, I guess. Any way that is strong?

Well, helped Ryan lay down his first welds - proof of concept ballast tank, external, chopped oil drum. 
Liking modular construction of Mk. 48 torpedo - amazing manual at tpub.com. That way, can swap separate engine/passenger compartment. Mix 'n match. Works well with maybe ? light based non-physical connection between the two. Jettison clamp on rear - end up with floating upright life buoy. Handy.

oh - http://www.submarine.freehosting.net/index.html
barebones barrel sub, clever.