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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Hull failure calculation sheet
However Pipeline Grade pipe is certified and pressure tested (with
internal pressure) at the mill so the longitudal welds are confirmed leak
free. There are still inclusions but they are few and far between. We
usually only find inclusions and mill defects in pipelines not in
North/South America or Europe. If you get a mill cert with your pipe, it
would be OK. To have the piece of pipe you select further inspected would
be reasonably cheap if you so desired, though I would rely on a pressure
test as it would be free.
J. Barlow CET
Sr. Mechanical Designer
BJ Pipeline Inspection
Ph (403) 531-5412
Fax (403) 236-8740
Cell (403) 807-2195
Warren Greenway
<opensourcesub@yahoo.com> To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Sent by: cc:
owner-personal_submersible Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Hull failure calculation sheet
17/10/2003 09:45 AM
Please respond to
No they are not. Sewer pipe is made of the lowest
steel available. It will often have inclusions and
inconsistent thickness as well.
--- Bob Duncan <katsurencho@yahoo.com> wrote:
> A major issue in Marine quality materials is
> uniformity in strength. Is one section of the
> sewer pipe as strong as another. Is the wall
> thickness consistent? Is the density of the steel
> consistent?
> dinosnider666@spacemail.com wrote:
> > Do you get an certificates, or guarantees with
> your sewer pipe?
> > I.e., that it's made from such'n'such quality
> steel and inpected
> > for defects. At least you are getting it new,
> rather than used,
> > hopefully it will be less abused...
> >
> > > I didn't know anything about batteries til a
> month ago. Me 'n Ryan have figured out how to roll
> our own that match top-end batteries. Sure, we'll
> screw it up the first few times. But once prototype
> works, we'll scale up and put the labour in. There
> are part-marks for tenacity.
> >
> ---
> haha. Back to the 'I'm SO broke' part. Will be used.
> But like really matters if pick test depth, drop it
> down unmanned, and never ever go near that depth
> again - and periodically test.
> The optima spiralcells have cylindrical
> cross-section. Precisely my thinking also.
> --
> try a search under 'battery design' and software.
> saw some nice stuff on wetcell and dryair designs.
> Nice -better than nothing - 'in case of emergency
> break glass' - throw in water, or puncture seal and
> vacuum etc.
> anybody know how to reprogram a scuba dive computer
> for sub?
> D
> Two guiding principles govern Israel Naval Commando
> doctrine:
> 1.Every defense system is vulnerable.
> 2.The enemy can deal with weapons and operational
> methods that are known; for that reason, naval
> commandos use imagination, daring and initiative, to
> create situations which cannot be anticipated.
> ---------------------------------
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