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Hi, I'm new to the mailing list, and I see everybody is quite active in
emailing, which is awesome.  I am planning on building a wetsub, and maybe
someday converting it into a drysub (with extensive modifications).  I'll be
buying a boat hull in the next month or so and then modifying it for a wet
sub configuration.

But to the point, I get bored at work occasionally, and check on ebay for
anything exciting... I found a couple of submarines, so if you want to check
them out, here are the links:

this is for a sub and surface support vessels:

this is for a 2 person wet sub:

kinda cool, but at a different level of what I'm thinking of building.  I
know it will take a few years, but I have the nacelle design figured out for
my wetsub.

ooh I have some questions:

for surface propulsion, I'm thinking of putting on a 10-20 HP outboard
motor.  When I go underwater, I will have to plug the exhaust as well as the
intake.  Is that all I will have to do?  Can an outboard motor take repeated
dunkings and still work pretty well on the surface for an extended period of
time without major maintenance?

Also a question regarding batteries:  I haven't researched into marine
batteries as of yet, but will I have to locate the battery in an airtight
enclosure able to withstand the pressure of say 250' (the max i want to go
will be around 150' - but tacking on another 100' for safety).  I was
thinking of putting the batteries in a lexan box and tightening it down with
wingnut bolts.  Do I even need to do that, or will the battery be able to
withstand the pressure by itself.  What about not shorting out the
electrical leads from the battery terminals?

I think that's it for now.  I've been thinking about this sub for the past
three years, and I've actually been to the psub.org website a few times in
the past couple of years, just never signed up for the mailing list...

Anything else anybody wants to add, please please feel free!




Some things are best left unknown, but for everything else, there's