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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Composite pressure hull?
> --0-620415812-1066058842=:39604
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Seems to me it would be like a chicken egg. The more pressure on the inside the more likely it is to rupture. A chicken egg can handle outside pressure.
> ---
Engie bud (helped UW win solar glider competition few years ago) Sanjay Singh said steel is isotropic. Guess means same strength all ways?
Any way to seperate rounded-shape from flat-sheet strength?
BTW, sphere does well in sub app cuz no chance for local spot to 'dimple' - invert - from convex to concave- with same pressure all round. Spheres suffer from flexibility attemptign to redistribute load from localized impact in many apps. Leading to need for internal girdles to stiffen. Fuller ? did some work on integrated inner/outer domes to address, I think. FOund pic online. Making models - need 3d to hold to get it.
btw, anybody know if anyone ever expanded synergetics to fully replace calculus. C makes my brain hurt.