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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Viewport Toughness

And unlike in the movies, whent hat baby starts crakin', it ain't gonna
be in the middle.  It's gonna be where the pressure has found a weak
spot, and odds are you won't know even then, because it won't just
crack, it's just gonna go, period.  And if that happens while you're
hanging out at 1,200 feet checking the seafood selection, you'll be part
of the menu.

Ron wrote:
> As Ray said, bullet proof glass is made of polycarbonate, not acrylic.
> In a sub you are resisting against pressure first, over the entire
> surface area, and also the sum of that pressure on your
> sealing/attachment method. Impact resistance is secondary.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> [mailto:owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org] On Behalf Of Ray Keefer
> Sent: Monday, October 06, 2003 5:10 PM
> To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Viewport Toughness
> Hi,
> No such thing as "bullet proof". I have seen banks with "bullet proof"
> glass (probably polycarbinate) windows an inch thick (1 inch = 2.54
> centimeters). Seems they have to be thick to absorb the energy of most
> common projectiles.
> "bullet proof" glass may be tough but how tough? How tough is enough?
> The only real extensive viewport research was done by Stachiw on
> acrylic. Anyone deviating from acrylic needs to take samples of their
> target material and test it. You must see for yourself if the target
> material is as tough as you want.
> Regards,
> Ray
> Pierre Poulin wrote:
> > Could it have been prevented with
> > the "bullet proof" windows? I don't know... Just a tough.
> >
> > Thanks for the comments!
> >
> > Pierre Poulin
> >
> ---
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