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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] enquiry - Surface Propulsion

On Mon, 29 Sep 2003 08:40:52 -0700 "Brian Cox" <ojaibees@ojai.net>
>Hi Again,      If anyone is interested in hydrogen peroxide here is a 
>really cool site, this individual sells  H2O2 distillation equipment.
>http://www.tecaeromex.com/ingles/indexi.html   I consider H2O2 the 
>common mans equivalent to nuclear power!

Yeah, well ... it can mess up your whole day.   There's a reason
that no one has hydrogen peroxide submarines today.   There's
a chapter called "Hydrogen Peroxide Submarines" in Preston's
new book "The World's Worst Warships."

Mike Holt

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